Nunzio Monticelli Cuggiò
Master Mosaicist
Nunzio Monticelli Cuggiò
Emotional mosaics designer
Nunzio Monticelli Cuggiò
Nunzio Monticelli Cuggiò was born in Naples on September 20, 1967. He graduated in music in Parma and studied decorative painting in the same city. He holds a diploma as a ceramic decorator and in plastic arts from Rome.
Then he worked at the mosaic school of Santa Sede in the Vatican and later embarked on a solo career. Monticelli Cuggiò developed a passion for mosaic at a young age, around 22, under the guidance of his mentors Carlo Meloni and Pietro Guerini, to whom he dedicated his entire body of work and learning.
Notable Works:
- Mosaic wall in Palermo
- Ascension of Jesus Christ in Canada
- Two floors of the Cathedral of Nywry
- 370 square meters of pavements in Northern Ireland
- Three pieces in churches
- Pavements in Japan, India, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and Belgium
The majority of his work has been carried out in his home country, Italy. In 1997, he worked for two and a half years at the Vatican School of Mosaic and contributed to various Vatican galleries. He was the first mosaic artist to introduce three-dimensionality into Roman mosaic art.
Monticelli Cuggiò also undertook private projects, with a focus on portraiture. He is a winner of an international mosaic competition.
Interview with the master mosaicist
From stone to history
Artistic training of mosaic (Part 1)
The importance of drawing (Part 2)
How to make a mosaic (Part 3)
Made in Italy (Part 4)
The emotional mosaic (Part 5)
From stone to history
Interview by Maurizio Colantoni
Video shooting and editing Pietro Lenci
©2024 Galleria San Pietro
Largo del Colonnato, 5 Rome Italy
Piazza della Minerva, 72 Rome Italy
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Specially crafted mosaics
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Years ago, when I participated in an international competition, which fortunately I won, there was a director from the Accademia dell'Aquila who said, "Monticelli, you create a strange type of mosaic." And I said, "Why did you vote for it then?" He replied, "Because I couldn't understand it! If you explain it to me..." And I said, "I can't explain it because it's an emotional mosaic."
Master Mosaicist