Mosaic Art Gallery Rome

Adriane Regina dos Santos

Master Mosaicist

Adriane Regina dos Santos

Adriane Regina dos Santos - from Brasil

From Brasil to Rome

Adriane Regina dos Santos

Adriane was born in the municipality of Gaspar, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, on May 5, 1961. She holds a degree in Performing Arts from UDESC SC Brazil, with a specialization in Art Education. Additionally, she holds a degree in Psychoanalysis and specializes in Psychodrama from Argentina.

For 28 years, she taught Art Education in the city of Florianópolis, SC. It was during this time that she developed a passion for mosaics while teaching art in schools. Initially, she worked with ceramic mosaics in Brazil and participated in various art exhibitions across the country, as well as virtual exhibitions in America.

During her time in Rome, she deepened her knowledge of marble under the tutelage of Master Monticelli. Passionate about marble mosaics, she diligently continues to develop her craft with dedication and fervor.

Welcome to Mosaic Art Gallery in Rome, where artistry meets ancient craftsmanship in a harmonious dance of colors and shapes, showcasing the enduring beauty of Made in Italy mosaic art.
The Mosaic Art Gallery in Rome invites you to explore a meticulously curated collection, showcasing sacred and secular images through fine mosaics.
The gallery offers personalized services for creating mosaic portraits upon request.
Clients can request customized portraits of family members, friends, or significant figures.
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